Hacking can be one of the worst things to happen to a website. They can range from being a slight nuisance to a serious security violation. Personal information and customer data can be stolen.

You may think that you won’t be hacked, but it happens more often than many people expect. 83% of WordPress sites in 2017 had some kind of infection. Not all hacks are disastrous but even the small security breaches are important to prevent so they don’t become serious problems.

Prevention is the most important step in web security. Make sure the WordPress and plugins you are running are up to date. Have strong passwords. Always have your site backed up every once in a while and back it up when making any changes just in case something does happen to it. Having your site monitored or checked for security breaches regularly is a huge way to stop hacking fast.

You can find out if you have been hacked a few different ways. Your web browser may alert you of a hacked site when you search or visit it. Your host provider could take your site offline if it is compromised. Remote online scanners that search for viruses and other security breaches on your site can also tell you what happened

Although prevention is key, even the strongest websites can be hacked. So, what should a victim of hacking do? The first step if you have been hacked is to look for reputable security resources and ask a professional for help. After a web hack, the website should be taken down so that no one visiting it can be harmed. Then the whole site should be scanned to see how it was infected. The website should be cleaned as though it were a house, going through every room and tidying up things that have changed and fixing things that were broken. After the site is cleaned, it’s time to update software and plugins, reset passwords, and back up the site. Strengthening a site afterward is necessary so a similar or worse security breach doesn’t happen again. It is also pertinent to check your computer for viruses and malware that can cause damage to your site when you access it.

When building and maintaining a website, security can often be pushed to the side. It is easy to think it won’t happen to you. Security is very important when we live in a world that so heavily relies on technology. We entrust so much of our lives to technology and it is important that it is kept safe.


  1. Have strong passwords
  2. Make sure the WordPress and plugins you are running are up to date
  3. Site backed up at least every 3 months or more often if you’re making updates to the site monthly