Here are a few plugins I can recommend to install on your WordPress website. Most WordPress plugins are free and super easy to install, as long as your theme is fairly recent — 3 years or newer. Sometimes the theme you choose doesn’t always do everything you want it to do and you don’t want to hire a developer to create something that has already been built. If you need any help on installations, we are here to help!
+ Custom sidebars:
Manage and replace sidebars and other widget areas on your site with Custom Sidebars, a flexible widget area manager.
+ WordFence:
Firewall blocks complex and brute force attacks. Security Scan alerts you quickly in the event of a security issue. Wordfence Security is 100% free.
+ Really Simple SSL:
To keep it lightweight, the options are kept to a minimum. The entire site will move to SSL. You will need to apply a standard SSL at your web host provider and this should be free. If they are charging you for this, you may want to switch web hosts.
+ WPForms:
A drag & drop WordPress form builder that’s EASY and POWERFUL. WPForms allow you to create beautiful contact forms, subscription forms, payment forms, and other type of forms for your site in minutes.